segunda-feira, 4 de junho de 2012

PAULO DÓRDIO - Tese de Mestrado

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    Universidade do Porto

    Graduate Student, CITCEM


    Paulo Dordio. Porto, 1962
    Project Director
    Cultural Heritage Safeguard Plan (PSP) of the Hydroelectric Exploitation of Baixo Sabor (AHBS) – Baixo Sabor BPCE Lena ACE through the subsidiary EDP Gestão da Produção de Energia, S.A. (since 2009)

    Graduated in History and specialized in Archaeology by Porto University in 1982.
    Master in Archaeology under the thesis “Archaeology of urban villages of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro regions. The settlement and territory reorganization in Late Middle Ages, 12th to 15th century” (1992).
    PhD student at Coimbra University, Architectural Department and Social Studies Centre under the subject “Urbanism of the Portuguese Ancient Society. The predominance of the micro-urbanism of the medieval Populatio to the Eighteenth Progress”, under the supervision of Prof. Architect Walter Rossa.

    Researcher of CITCEM (TRANSDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH CENTRE CULTURE, SPACE, MEMORY), Research Unit in the Porto University.

    Develops investigation in Medieval and Modern Archaeology, Settlement, Urbanism and Territory Organization, Material Culture of the Modern period, and Cultural Heritage Management.
    The professional activity focuses Research Projects for Heritage Recovery in Conception, Supervision and Management, Inventory and Evaluation, Surveillance, Coordination of Archaeological Interventions, Material Archaeological Studies, Exhibition Commissariat, Organization and Coordination of Scientific meetings and conferences, Editorial Projects, Video Conception, Movies and Multimedia Presentations, Publications and Teaching.
    Some of the most important projects in which was/is involved:
    Study and Rehabilitation of the Infante House/ Arquivo Histórico Municipal (Câmara Municipal, Porto, 1991 – 2006)
    Inventory of Architectural Heritage (Direcção Geral dos Edifícios e Monumentos Nacionais, D.G.E.M.N., 1993 – 2004)
    EUROMINT – Medieval and Early Modern European Mints Itinerary (Câmara Municipal do Porto (Portugal), City ofe Kutna Hora (Republica Checa), Município de Segovia (Espanha) / ECOS-OUVERTURE programe 1998-2001 da Comissão Europeia, 2000-2002).
    Study and Rehabilitation of Porto Cathedral (Instituto Português do Património Arquitectónico, I.P.P.A.R.,1999 – 2006)
    Study and Rehabilitation of Santa Clara a Velha Monastery – Coimbra (Instituto de Gestão do Património Arquitectónico e Arqueológico, I.G.E.S.P.A.R., 2006 - 2008)
    Study of Characterization of Cultural Heritage aiming the Development and Territorial Competitiveness of Baixo Tâmega (Associação de Municípios do Baixo Tâmega, 2008 – 2010).
    Cultural Heritage Safeguard Plan (PSP) of the Hydroelectric Exploitation of Baixo Sabor (AHBS) – Baixo Sabor BPCE Lena ACE through the subsidiary EDP Gestão da Produção de Energia, S.A. (2009-2011)


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